Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cell Phones Behind the Wheel

I am commenting on my classmate Natosha's blog concerning the use of cell phones while driving. This is a topic that needs to be raised. We all do it, we get caught up and get busy and find ourselves doing work on the road or catching up with friends. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 25% of all police reported accidents have cell phones contributing to them and this is only the ones reported. I believe it will not get any better either without intervention because now not only are people just talking on the phone but they are texting as well. There needs to be laws put into place to restrict cell phone use. Drivers should not be allowed to text while driving and also they should be required to use hands free devices while talking. I know this will be a continuing problem but hopefully it would cut down on the issue. I mean there are speed limits but people choose to break those rules too. The idea is that if they get caught there should be consequences for being careless. People don't like to pay tickets. I speak for myself as well I know I am just as guilty as the next person. I know I would be less likely to use my phone if I knew I would get in trouble.

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