Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Moment of Silence

On Austin36o.com I read an interesting article about the moment of silence observed in Texas school's after the pledge to the Texas and U.S. Flags. In 1985 the supreme court said is was ok to allow a moment of silence if it was motivated by a secular purpose. In 1995 permission was given to allow a moment of silence for the students if the individual schools desired to do so. In 2003 that law was amended and it was then required for all schools to allow one whole minute for students to silently reflect on anything of their choice as long as they were not disruptive to others. In this law there was a list provided of examples of things students could do during this time. Among other options like meditation and reflection, prayer was listed. This law has been a point of contention among some. In this group are David Croft and his wife Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Croft are atheists who don't like the idea that their children are subjected to this mandatory moment of silence. Since prayer is listed they believe it is a cloaked religious practice. They believe it is just a way to establish prayer in school and also they think it is just a waste of time. The Croft's have tried to fight this law and so far have not had any success in doing so.

It is just rediculous that these people would spend this much time, energy, and money on something like this. No one is making their kids pray to a god they are just allowing other kids the right to do so. Kids can do what ever they want in this time. They can get themselves ready for class, take a minute to relax and clam down before class starts or pray to the god of fire if they want. In the article it says that this family has spent $16,000 on this so far. If you want to do something for your kids then put that money away for college. It just seems crazy that people would be so insecure in what they believe that they have to fight other people on what they believe. As long as their kids are not being force to do anything who cares. I recommend reading this story, "Atheist Family Challenges Minute of Silence Law" and see what you think.

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